The Tradgedy of a Caregiver's Suicide

It's heartbreaking to read the newspaper account of Randy Budd's death. He was the spouse of Sharon who suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2014 after a rock was thrown from an overpass onto their moving car.

That's really all I know about them. I vaguely remember hearing the news story when the crime occurred, but never followed up on her injuries or progress. She lost part of her brain, endured seven surgeries, and now requires round the clock care. But he couldn't do it.

He couldn't live with the realization that the only way out of their situation was for one of them to die. He made the choice to be the one to go first. It breaks my heart because my book didn't reach him. That's who I wrote it for; people just like him who have lost hope.

It's beyond a literary explanation of how difficult it is to live in an environment such as his. I poured my story out onto pages and pages of journal paper so I didn't have to keep it in my head. I then held on to it for a year before I was brave enough to publish it. I followed through with baring my ugly truths for one reason. You cannot survive such an upheaval in your life without God. I pray that person who needs to hear this will know and be changed like I was.